Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How to crack AWS Solutions Architect Pro Certification

A few weeks ago I cleared my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification, in first attempt, with a clear pass. Today, we are going to talk about what I did, how I did, mistakes I made and how I would have done it, if I had the foresight I have of hindsight.

The usual disclaimer, AWS CSA Pro is a tough exam. I have 17 years of experience in industry, I hold multiple certifications, and this is the first time that I got reminded of college, of taking exams for classes that I did not understand anything of! Unless you really need it, I would recommend, to NOT do it. 

If you're still reading, aka determined to take the certification, congratulations on taking the first, hardest step and good luck getting it!

The AWS CSA Pro exam is a three hour exam, with no scheduled breaks and has 75 multiple choice questions. The exam can be taken online or onsite. To me, one of the toughest thing about exam was navigating through the maze like stories built on simple concepts. English is purportedly my second language, and if it is yours too, I would recommend taking the extra 30 minutes when scheduling - which I did not. I had questions where all answers looked correct, or all looked wrong, until I read them a couple of times and narrowed down the similarities and differences.

In knowledge perspective, the basic knowledge is not significantly different than AWS CSA Associate, but devil does lie in detail here - CSA Pro is all about details. I did my CSAA in 2017 and a lot of things have changed in the dynamic cloud landscape in these three years, including the material covered in certification. Don't repeat my mistake of thinking that you know AWS because a) You are certified, b) Have hands-on experience with *some* services, c) Have been following announcements. AWS / cloud is a fast changing landscape and knowledge becomes stale earlier that you might imagine.

I spent over six months preparing for certification, although that was broken across multiple sprints. Don't do that. All you need is two months of dedicated study.

I have had a fantastic experience with for CSA Associate and I still recommend that for CSAA, but I would NOT recommend same for CSA Pro. The course in itself is good for practical knowledge, it talks about real life experiences and expectation from a Professional Architect, but it is unable to do justice for course preparation. It genuinely recommends various whitepapers, but then, the whole idea of buying a course is to ease up the pain of going through dry documentation. If you must buy, buy it for knowledge, not for certification. Although if you do, take a look at all the referenced ReInvent videos and whitepapers. The number of whitepapers you'd have to read is enormous, and I wouldn't be able to link them all up here. One video that I particularly liked is Advanced VPC Design.

My enterprise supports udemy subscription and I used Stéphane Maarek's course for my primary study. This course is pretty good. I would recommend taking this course. Unlike that you can usually speed up to 1.5x if not 2x, this course is heavy and really needs to be taken up at 1x speed. Plan to go through the video course twice. I really liked that Stephane brought attention to multiple items. I also loved that he summarizes some sections - and I hope he adds similar summaries to other sections too. The course is quite keen, and it draws attention to minor'ish details that are important for exam, eg cost vs speed of various AWS Elastic Block Store options. Feel free to pause and repeat as many times as you need to, and take a break if it becomes heavy and focus becomes challenge. The course covers various details that may pass by in a jiffy, but have questions on exam. Reminder, the amount of services and their details covered in exam is humongous. Also note that this course is classified as "summary" by some sites and is indeed one of the shorter ones. This does not cover Console login or any other practicals, and is completely theory based. Which brings me to another course I used intermittently.

A colleague recommended me of Zeal Vora's course. I looked at this course, primarily because I was not getting enough confidence. This is a very detailed course and Zeal does a fantastic job of showing how to use various services. I would strongly recommend this course for 201 Deep Dives on various services for on-the-job work. However, apart from the fact that this is too long, I think this does not do justice to either bringing attention to key concepts for exam, or explaining higher level skills needed for Architect Professional on the job. If you could have two courses, check specific chapters in this course that you have trouble understanding. e.g. I come from Development background and networking is my weak area so I spent time on Zeal Vora's course as well as couple of reInvent videos (re)understanding AWS networking concepts.

Tip: Udemy runs promotions where courses are available at significant discounts. Sign up for emails, and wait till they run promotions to buy course, if you're not in a hurry.

One strategy that worked for me during the exam, was grouping the answers in categories and then identifying correct strategy within each category, to arrive at overall 2 or 3 or 4 correct answers from many more.

Finally, one last thing that helped me with practicing questions is Jon Bonso's sample questions on Tutorials DoJo. I had some technical issues with lost answers, but other than that, I liked it. Gives you a wide enough exposure to look at overlooked items during preparation. e.g., I had missed understanding "networkMode" in Fargate, and looking at practice exams, I was able to go back, read up and understand them.

In summary:
- Have a wide exposure and real knowledge before you choose to take up the certification
- Use Stéphane Maarek's course for understanding
- Try out Jon Bonso's sample questions
- Remember, it is not going to be easy. Don't be harsh on yourself when preparation becomes hard


Monday, May 11, 2020

GitOps your Elastic Beanstalk environment properties

In today's blog, I am going to cover how to setup environment variables for Elastic Beanstalk, with focus on a GitOps approach. AWS prefers to call these as environment properties.

Enterprise applications depend on multiple configuration values that change across different environments. In the very pragmatic approach of  Build Once Deploy Many an application bundle is created once and deployed to multiple environments. Such configuration is strictly stored outside of application code, as per Twelve Factor Principles.

For an Elastic Beanstalk application, there are different ways to provide this configuration :

  1. The most crude way to setup these configurations is to login to EB console and manually add them. This is well explained in AWS Documentation and I am not going to cover that here. Given that this is a manual approach, it is error prone and not scalable.
  2. A far better approach is to commit such configuration in version control using configuration files. This requires using the super powerful ebextensions and is explained in AWS Documentation with an example of .ebextensions/options.config. If you're new to setting these, I'd suggest staying away from detailed documentation, which can be pretty confusing. Few things to note here 
    1. The config file must be a valid YAML. I learned it the hard way, and now use my favorite linter, to validate. Given the structure of this config file, its easy to make mistake in formatting, and the documentation does not mention that this is a YAML.
    2. The weird-looking option_settings is a way to define environment variables and is explained in a not so intuitive way in AWS Documentation
    3. Namespace is important when defining anything in this config file. For environment variables, the namespace is aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment
    4. This config file can reference AWS CloudFormation! This is a big deal. This implies that you can reference any other resources created earlier in your CFN stack. For example, when your database got created, it might have added credentials to secrets manager, and that can be referenced through this config file. It is possible to reference Secrets Manager through code as well, and frameworks such as Spring make it a breeze, but what such frameworks cannot do is reference your CFN stack.
    5. The config file can be a full fledged CFN file. For example look at this sample provided by AWS. Apparently CFN references can either be pseudo references, or the ones created by this config file itself. You could always reference CFN params from other stacks, but you'd probably need to know the stack ID and devoid of pre-defined naming convention, it could be a pain to solve. We are not going to do that today.
    6. Finally note the back-tick when referencing CFN. You miss it and it would start failing!
But, what if you wanted to access some custom parameters that are not an output of CloudFormation? How would you access such custom parameters? 

Lets take a step back. Where would you even keep your custom parameters?

AWS provides a valuable resource, AWS SSM Parameter Store, to store such custom parameters. Once defined, they may be consistently referenced by diverse applications in your account, such as Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk. We version control these and deploy them to our account.

So, how do we reference parameters stored in Parameter Store, in our application? Turns out, Elastic Beanstalk does not have a well documented way to define an environment variable referencing to SSM Parameters. You could try to set it using ebextension hooks, but that is a rabbit hole which burned over two days of mine, and still did not work. A couple of folks have exported variables using these hooks and used them in EB application. That did not work for me. 

What does work, however, is our good old friend, Cloudformation. CFN allows referencing SSM values. With that in mind, our config file can be easily modified to reference SSM parameters, such as in the snippet below.

Let me explain this tiny snippet a little more. At line 3, we are defining the custom parameter, with a name of "CUSTOM_SSM_PARAM" that refers to a SSM parameter of same name -- and a unique version number. Note that, as of writing this blog, CFN does not support using LATEST version (duh!) of parameter, but relies on a specific version to be specified. If you fail to specify the version number, an error will be thrown. Also note that while String type of SSM parameters can be referenced, Secure String parameters cannot be accessed. This limitation is documented here.

A final note, if you look for this environment variable after setting it up through ebextension, you'd see that the value on UI console still shows up '{{resolve:ssm:CUSTOM_SSM_PARAM:VERSION}}' and not the value for it. However, in the application perspective, this would be resolved just fine, implying this is not a one time static binding, but rather a truly dynamic reference to SSM.