Saturday, May 4, 2019

DevOps 101

DevOps 101

So, you've heard of the term DevOps and are curious, why are people going bananas over it?! What really is DevOps, is there an industry standard definition for it? Does it relate to Agile? Is it based on principles like Agile? My teams are already having a hard time delivering their best, why do I have to hire a DevOps person now?

All very valid questions. And guess what? I will have some answers here and some more, later.

Lets begin with the difficult part. There is no universal definition of DevOps, there is no DevOps Manifesto, unlike Agile and mostly when you talk to people, each will have similar but varying definition for it. In fact in the organization that I consult for, there are 172 Groups with name "DevOps" in them, under varying management! So, does it mean nobody can say what DevOps is? No, not really, that wouldn't be true. There are broad principles associated with DevOps practices and culture and these 172 groups would fit somewhere in the spectrum.

But wait.. culture? Did I just say culture, what has DevOps got to do with culture? Isn't it about using those work-in-progress fancy tools that evolve so fast that nobody can keep up with? Well, my esteemed reader, it is so much more than tools. It is about practices and culture and more. But I am getting ahead of myself here.

The term "DevOps: in itself comprises of "Developers" – people who write code and "Operations" – people who keep that code or the infrastructure under it running across environments, essentially implying close collaboration between these folks. When we discuss about some of the practices, probably in a future blog, we'd see how this collaboration gets reflected in various DevOps activities. Generally speaking, DevOps implies use of engineering practices that enable quicker delivery of well tested, good quality code on a robust production environment with significant automation tied in to the process.

With that high level my definition out, lets have a quick chat around some more details:

§  A brief History

Patrick Debois, a Belgian consultant is credited for coining the term DevOps, implying collaboration between developers and operations. Apparently, the term was first used for DevOps Days 2009 conference in Belgium. The idea of DevOps formed and spread like a wildfire, with coming together of various industry veterans sharing their learning and passion. In Velocity conference 2009, John Allspaw and Paul Hammond presented "10+ Deploys Per Day : Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr", link in references, which kind of started shaking the world of how deployments were looked at. The time to market has since been shrinking and based on a 2016 report Amazon deploys code to prod every 11.7 seconds on average.

This feat of continuous deployment is achieved through various architectural and engineering choices that have to be made at the start of application development. No wonder, you'd hear stories of new age companies more in DevOps space. However, it would be factually incorrect to assume that DevOps can be applied only for greenfield projects or only new / smaller companies. Most of the biggest organizations across various sectors, including highly controlled sectors such as federal government are adopting DevOps practices for better profitability / competitiveness or driving innovation faster.

You might wonder, why deploy faster? Great question, a really really good topic for a future blog 

§  What are DevOps practices?

How do we say a team is adopting DevOps, what do they do when they do DevOps? At a 10,000 ft perspective, this applies to using CALMS:

§  C for Culture

      • DevOps aims to establish motivated teams with shared pride, ownership and responsibility of product, that work with a growth mindset.

§  A for Automation

      • Automation is a cornerstone of the DevOps movement and facilitates collaboration. Automating tasks such as testing, configuration and deployment frees people up to focus on other valuable activities and reduces the chance of human error.

§  L for Lean

      • Team members are able to visualize work in progress (WIP), limit batch sizes and manage queue lengths. Again, we depend on our partners from Agile community to help with this

§  M for Measurement

      • DevOps teams measure a lot - from performance of delivery pipeline itself, to application and infrastructure health. This includes things like CPU/ memory monitoring, JVM monitoring or Change Lead Time. The Four Key Metrics, which is now "Adopt" section of ThoughtWorks radar, as name suggests are key metrics for DevOps measurement itself.

§  S for Share

      • Share Success, Failure, Feedback - between and across the teams and members

§  How do I learn DevOps

Ok, all that mumbo - jumbo is good. Now, where do I start learning DevOps?

I will give you three paths :
    1. Or, wait for more blogs 
    2. Or, look at this learning path 

I know this was a bad joke section. Lets move back on serious stuff :)

§  DevOps Thought Leaders

Fortunately, there are many folks in DevOps who really love to share their awesome work. Some folks that I follow are listed below. By no means this is not an exhaustive list, just the ones I follow



James Turnbull

Chris Riley

Kelsey Hightower

Sean Hull

